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January 3, 2013

Green Puffle (Puffle Guide)

The Green Puffles are one of the oldest puffles and the first puffles to be available along with the other three types of puffles. Green puffles were available for member penguins to adopt on March 17, 2006. Also, along with every single puffle known, you can adopt it for 800 Coins.


  • Attitude: These puffles are always going-going-going. They are very playful as well. They are very energetic and exhuberant and are always up to juvenille shenanigans and childish antics. 
  • Favorite toys: Red Propeller Cap, 3 red balls and a unicycle.
  • Elite Puffle Items: Propeller Cap.
  • Special facts: Laughs an average of 14.7 times a day.
  • Favorite game: Jet Pack Adventure.
  • Play: Rides around on its Penicycle.
  • Better Play: Juggles on a Penicycle, balances the balls on its tongue then pokes its tongue at you.
  • Super Play: Flies around with Propeller Cap.
  • Bath: Takes a bath, and gets blown.
  • Food: Eats normally.
  • Gum: Blows a bubble then makes a dog like design with it.
  • Cookie: Eats normally.
  • Dance: Hovers with Propeller Cap.
  • Postcard: Green Puffle riding the Unicycle.
  • Brush: Gives the Green Puffle a temporary hair style.

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